Suzieqspsptubes has nice collection of psptubes available free for personal use. They literally have hundreds of quality tubes to fit about any of your personal photo projects. They have animal tubes, hoilday tubes, nature tubes, sports tubes and variety of other tubes that you may find useful.
Suzieqspsptubes has nice collection of psptubes available free for personal use. They literally have hundreds of quality tubes to fit about any of your personal photo projects. They have animal tubes, hoilday tubes, nature tubes, sports tubes and variety of other tubes that you may find useful.
To install the psp tubes:
1. Go to Suzieqpsptubes and browse to the bottow of the page and you will see a number of categories for available tubes.
2. Click a category and then click the tube you want to use.
3. Once the tube is download you will need to unzip it in your psptube directory.
4. If you don’t know where your psptube directory is located browse to File > Preferences > File Locations > Picture Tubes
5. Restart Paint Shop Pro and your tube will be available under you tube tool.
3 Responses
For some strange reason picture tubes from that website dont want to show up in my picture tubes. I place them into the
C:\Users\CB\Documents\My PSP Files\Picture Tubes
directory and restart PSP (if it’s running) but all I see when I choose picture tube brush is the standard that ships with PSP X2. Hmmm go figure
Make sure you select “ALL” under category(in the tube tool interface) to view the newly installed tubes.
Disregard, I didn’t know that I had to export the images as tubs, it’s all good now.